This design explores a new way of contemporary urban living in post-earthquake Christchurch. It seeks to achieve a mixed use, low rise, eco-friendly community within the devastation that has occurred. It proposes a contemporary approach to city regeneration. An approach that has occurred many times before in places that have experienced man made or natural disasters where the best of contemporary thinking is used to inform a new ‘living’ direction.
The development reflects the historical context of the site, from the aspirations of Iwi, to the underlying patterns established by the early European settlers. This is a new generation development, with shared spaces and courtyards designed to give predominance to the pedestrian, with public and private space at street level being a priority. The building articulates space in unique ways, establishing reference points within the city. It is a coherent and memorable place that provides a series of flexible engaging and life enhancing spaces. These reflect a development that has used international best practice principles in Architecture, Urban Design, Seismic Design and Sustainable Engineering.